Implementing WMS and Identifying the Associated Costs.

5 mins read
April 5, 2024

Before you start using a new Warehouse Management System (WMS), it is important to understand that there are more expenses attached to the process than just the usual costs. Even though the new system you intend to onboard promises to make things run smoothly and efficiently, you should account for all costs involved as these can tamper with the overall budget you have set aside, and the profit you envision.

Defining the hidden WMS software costs?

As the famous saying goes, knowledge is power; keeping an eye out for these potential hidden expenses and being aware of costs is paramount!

  • Undisclosed fees: Watch out for extra costs you weren’t aware of. These include: paying more for additional users, special features, or devices.
  • Expert Help Costs: Determine the cost of getting help from external experts or consultants brought on board to set up your new system.
    Tech Upgrades: You might need better technology with a new WMS, like new computers or a faster internet connection, which could cost more.
  • User Training and Support: We encourage companies to keep in mind the costs needed for teaching your team the know-how of the system, or for getting help when they face troubles.
  • Customization fees: Any customization or system adjustments required to help make the process seamless, or fit the needs of your team better come at the cost of an increase in your budget.
  • Moving Data: Transferring your information to the new system is important but can cost you all three, time, effort, and money.
  • Unused features: Make sure you’re using all the features within the WMS ecosystem you are paying for.
  • Defined contracts: If your WMS is tied to a contract and if you need to change your WMS in the future due to system upgrades, or just to change your provider, factor in the cost needed for it.
  • Growing with the Business: As your business grows, your system will need to grow too. This means you will have to spend more money on both updates and upgrades that come with it.

Impacts of unseen WMS Costs:

All associated hidden costs of a Warehouse Management System (WMS) are like turmoils in the making as they can hinder a smooth running operation. They slowly bite into your company’s money-making margins and smooth-running operations. If you’re in the process of changing your WMS, here’s what you need to look out for:

  • Unexpected financial additions: Sometimes, you may encounter extra costs such as software licenses, maintenance, upgrades, or system integration. These can heavily strain overall resources, potentially stretching your budget.
  • Lower Profits: Hidden fees can silently reduce how much money you make if it isn’t monitored closely. This makes it hard to keep up with others or put money back into other significant business functions such as research and development, or employee training.
  • Supply chain nightmares: Remember the big messes when WMS didn’t work well for the Fortune 100 companies, leading to delivery problems during busy times and lost sales opportunities? Those are the warnings you must be mindful of.
  • Data Integrity: Getting your stock or order information wrong because of inefficient and inaccurate data transfer can cause major hiccups in the system, ranging from mismanaged stock to delayed order deliveries.
  • Stagnant Growth: Some of these unseen costs can stop your WMS from growing with your business, leaving you stranded and limiting the company’s growing demands and opportunities.

By consistently monitoring these hidden costs, you can steer your WMS implementation toward success, ensuring maximum return on investment and preserving operational agility.
At Reshape Growth, we help businesses like yours find and set up the best WMS setup. Be rest assured of the right advice and support you will get from us and our team.
Come, let’s work together to make your WMS work great.